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3 Magical Words

Dec 19, 2022

It's finals week for my teenagers and the stress is real!

I put these signs around the house to remind them that no matter what test scores say, they are enough.


All of our issues stem from the fact that we don't feel good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, loved enough, you name it. We then criticize ourselves harshly and say hurtful critical words to ourselves.

The way to reverse these patterns is to nourish, praise, and uplift ourselves with phrases like "I am enough."

These three magical life-changing words hold more power than we might imagine!

"I am enough. I know I'm enough. I've always been enough. I will always know I am enough.

I am enough now, I was enough then, and I will always be enough.

I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.

Yes, I can have this, I am enough. Yes, I can do this, I am enough. Yes, I will, I am enough. Yes, I deserve this, I am enough.

Everywhere and anytime I am enough."

Repeat these words until you truly feel that there is nothing outside of yourself that defines your worth, cause that's the truth.

Repeating positive affirmations like these are the real way to grow lasting joy, satisfaction, and inner peace.

These words build up strengths inside our minds by rewiring our brains so that we can handle any challenge with confidence and ease.

Consider putting some signs around your house to remind you - you are enough! Make it your screen saver. Record yourself saying these phrases and listen to them daily.

Go to the mirror, look yourself straight in the eyes, feel it and affirm it "I am enough."

You are simply you, at the right place, at the right time, and that's enough.

You are who you are - you don't need to be someone else, get a better grade, not make mistakes, or prove yourself in any way.

Accept who you are, flaws and all.

You already have everything you need. You are already everything you need to be.

You are here, living, breathing, and safe at this moment. There is no need for self-improvement. Nothing is wrong with you. You are sufficient. You are valuable. You are inherently worthy.

Fill your mind with these three words throughout the day, and notice how things begin to shift!

P.S. You may get a laugh out of this... My kids immediately changed this to "I am an F." Oh, teens! 😂


Hi, I'm Kelly. Your Empowerment Coach and Mindfulness Mentor. I am an experienced wellness leader, a former 18-year veteran of a successful commercial real estate career, a wife, a mom of 2 teens, a certified meditation teacher, a breathwork facilitator, and an energy healer.

I help high achievers manage the complexity of their minds and cultivate more joy and ease. If you'd like to explore whether my private program, Anchor Yourself Accelerator, is right for you let's connect. I combine empowerment coaching and mindfulness practices to help you create a life you love.


You can learn more about the program by clicking hereor book a free, no-obligation discovery call using the button below 




Clients share:

“If my anxiety was a 10 it's now below a 1."


t completely shifted my perspectives and opened me to new ways of being new possibilities, and more opportunities.”

“My anxiety massively decreased, and my overall mood and sense of well-being dramatically improved within a few sessions!”

“I have much greater clarity and confidence, and I have been able to make significant changes towards freedom and authenticity.”

“I learned how to create a life that feels good without needing to struggle. I am less judgmental and more curious. I make fewer assumptions, take things less personally, know what I truly want, see my future more clearly, and see many more possibilities.”

“Coaching has completely transformed my family life. Family dinners are way better, and it’s amazing how we’re all much more connected, I have a much more nurturing, compassionate, understanding relationship with myself, and I know I am a better mom, wife, and person as a result of my work with Kelly.”




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