Everyone We Meet and Everyone We Know ALL Want The Same Thing

Apr 26, 2023
It can be really helpful to remember each day that we as humans all want the same thing. We all want to be happy. 
Everyone we meet and everyone we know wants to be happy.

Everyone wants to be loved. There is no one who does not want love. 
Deep down, we all want to be loved.

And deep down, we all want to feel connected. 
To feel connected with each other, with our community, and with all beings. 
We all want the same thing; To be happy, to be loved, and to feel connected.

It's helpful to cherish and appreciate ourselves and others each day.

We can do this by noticing any judgments, criticisms, or condemnations that we have of ourselves. And see if we can soften those judgments or simply let them go.

Notice any judgments, sharp criticism, or condemnation that we have of others, and see if we can soften those judgments.

Breathe in, cherish yourself. Breathe out, cherish others....

And during the day, extend that attitude to everyone you meet. We are all the same. We all want the same things. To feel happiness. To feel love. To feel connected.
Extend this attitude. I cherish you. I appreciate you.

And I cherish myself as well. I appreciate myself also.

Return over and over to a sense of appreciation, cherishing with each breath and feeling grateful throughout every day.
Continual gratitude begins with continual presence. When we're present, open, and willing to receive, we can show up with appreciation of each moment.

If you'd benefit from some 1:1 support to be happy, to be loved, and to feel connected I can help you do the inner work of growing into more peace, ease, trust, and love. 
You will experience a deep level of real, lasting, life-changing transformation and grow into the person you long to be. We'll identify the core limiting beliefs and inner barriers that keep you stuck. I will support you to break through those barriers and experience irreversible transformation. You'll become both a completely different person, and simultaneously more yourself than ever.

Hi, I'm Kelly. Your Empowerment Coach and Mindfulness Mentor. I am an experienced wellness leader, a former 18-year veteran of a successful commercial real estate career, a wife, a mom of 2 teens, a certified meditation teacher, a breathwork facilitator, and an energy healer.

I help high achievers manage the complexity of their minds and cultivate more joy and ease. If you'd like to explore whether my private program, Anchor Yourself Accelerator, is right for you let's connect. I combine empowerment coaching and mindfulness practices to help you create a life you love.


You can learn more about the program by clicking hereor book a free, no-obligation discovery call using the button below 




Clients share:

“If my anxiety was a 10 it's now below a 1."


t completely shifted my perspectives and opened me to new ways of being new possibilities, and more opportunities.”

“My anxiety massively decreased, and my overall mood and sense of well-being dramatically improved within a few sessions!”

“I have much greater clarity and confidence, and I have been able to make significant changes towards freedom and authenticity.”

“I learned how to create a life that feels good without needing to struggle. I am less judgmental and more curious. I make fewer assumptions, take things less personally, know what I truly want, see my future more clearly, and see many more possibilities.”

“Coaching has completely transformed my family life. Family dinners are way better, and it’s amazing how we’re all much more connected, I have a much more nurturing, compassionate, understanding relationship with myself, and I know I am a better mom, wife, and person as a result of my work with Kelly.”



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