$100.00 USD

Relaxation Meditations

Shifting into relaxation lays the foundation for positive transformation in your life. It's important to note access to our pre-frontal cortex, which controls our executive functioning, creativity, imagination, attention, impulse inhibition, emotional regulation, planning, decision making, ability to differentiate among conflicting thoughts, determine good and bad, better and best, same and different, future consequences of current activities, working toward a defined goal, prediction of outcomes, expectation based on actions, and other important connections until you have established a sense of safety and security by shifting into a state of relaxation.

Rebalance the body and nervous system. Shift out of the high alert, chronic stress, and states of dysregulation and into a state of ease, balance, and harmony. Reconnect with your body's innate intelligence. Shift memories of the body that have been programmed into survival mode into a place of trust, and a curious, compassionate surrender to see what unfolds. Reconnect with your inner sanctuary and come home to yourself.