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Delicious discounts on our meditation bundles! 


Up to 75% OFF for 5 Days Only



(Or to purchase as a gift select from the options in the section below.)

Relaxation Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Shifting into relaxation lays the foundation for positive transformation in your life. Reconnect with your inner sanctuary and shift into a state of ease, connectedness, and harmony through rebalancing the body and nervous system.


Compassion Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Cultivate present, open-hearted attentiveness with yourself and others, activate your natural response of action in the face of suffering.

Emotional Awareness Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Become aware of how you feel without judging or shutting down. Practice the skills of attention, awareness, allowing, acceptance, and curiosity. Emotions arise to be felt, not changed. Be the observer and detach from it while feeling it. There is nothing wrong with anything you feel. Ever. Access new pathways of thought and action, leading to a new emotional response to things that would have overtaken us in the past.


Brain Training Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Learn practices based on science, psychology, and ancient wisdom. Learn practices and gain tools to free yourself from limiting beliefs, blockages, outdated stories, unnecessary worry, unforgiveness, suppression, fear, anxiety, and even physical pain and grief. 

Open Heartedness Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Practice remaining open-hearted, regardless of circumstances. An open heart is forgiving, generous, appreciative, connected, thankful, and grateful while a closed heart is frustrated, impatient, fearful, shut down, judgemental, and resentful. An open heart can guide you to your highest vision of the highest version of yourself and assist you in connecting with your Higher Self, who is connected to all that is, to be your guide, and thrive!

Soul Manifestation Meditation



75% off with coupon code BRIGHTFRIDAY!

Each Meditation Bundle Includes a Workshop and 6 meditations

Define yourself as a vision of the future. By turning towards the soul, the heart, and the self, and attuning to your intelligence and intuitive guidance, you align with your Highest Self mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically enabling you to create the life of your dreams.



(Use code BRIGHTFRIDAY and get 75% off our meditation bundles to give as a gift to your loved ones.)